MINUTES OF MEETING STONEYBROOK SOUTH AT CHAMPIONSGATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Stoneybrook South at ChampionsGate Community Development District was held Monday, October 2, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. at the Oasis Club at ChampionsGate, 1520 Oasis Club Blvd., ChampionsGate, Florida 33896. Present and constituting a quorum: Adam Morgan Chairman Rob Bonin joined late Vice Chairman Logan Lantrip Assistant Secretary Jarred Cornell Assistant Secretary Barry Bichard Assistant Secretary Also present were: George Flint District Manager, GMS Jeremy LeBrun GMS Kristen Trucco District Counsel Amanda Udstad District Engineer Alan Scheerer Field Manager FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. LeBrun called the meeting to order and called the roll. Mr. LeBrun: We currently have four Supervisors present, so we have our quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. LeBrun: Next item on the agenda is the public comment period. Just for the record, there is no members of the public present, just Board and staff. Do we have anybody on the resident call-in line? If not, we will double check that. Mr. Flint: We can come back to it later. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Appointment of Individuals to Fulfill Vacancies in Seats #3 & #4 Mr. LeBrun: That brings us down to item number three, organizational matters. Similar to the last meeting, there is still a vacancy in Seat #3 and #4, if the Board is aware of any interested electors. If not, we can just push that forward to the next meeting in the event someone becomes known. Mr. Morgan: I believe we should defer to the next meeting. B. Administration of Oaths of Office to Newly Appointed Board Members C. Election of Officers D. Consideration of Resolution 2023-13 Electing Officers Items 3A-D were tabled to a future meeting. *Rob Bonin joined the meeting at this time. Mr. LeBrun: We’ll keep updating on any interested electors and we will address that at our next meeting. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the September 11, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting Mr. LeBrun: Item four is the approval of the minutes of September 11, 2023 meeting. Those start on page nine of your electronic agenda. If there is no corrections or comments, we just look for a motion. Mr. Morgan: I reviewed them, they all look correct. I will make a motion to accept. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Minutes of the September 11, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting, were approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Addendum to Landscape Maintenance Agreement with Floralawn, Inc. Mr. LeBrun: Item number five is a consideration of the addendum to the Landscape Maintenance Agreement with Floralawn, Inc. Alan, I didn’t know if you wanted to go over this one. Mr. Scheerer: Yes, thank you. So, next Tuesday the 10th at 9:00 a.m., we have a turnover walk of Fox North and X tract common areas along Westside Boulevard. What you see in here is just a reflection of what it’s going to cost to do the general maintenance throughout the course of the year based on the current scope of services. As you know, we just recently bid out landscape services and this is Floralawn, Inc. cost to perform that work in the areas outlined. We will do a walk through and make sure everything is definitely included. Once that has been accepted, then we will go ahead and turn Floralawn loose for the maintenance. There is funding in the budget. This current number is about $26,340. We have about $50,000 for future areas in the budget for $24,000, so this will line up with our current funding. Mr. Morgan: On your maps that you’ve included. Two quick questions. The pink, is that sidewalk? Mr. Scheerer: That is bahia grass. That’s all the bahia grass areas and around that pond. I don’t know if that pond is quite ready yet. Mr. Morgan: The pond has been sodded. Mr. Scheerer: Okay. Mr. Morgan: It should be ready. My question is, just to the left of the pond is a wetland, Tract WC1. Mr. Scheerer: Right. Mr. Morgan: Why would we be maintaining that? It’s a wild area. Mr. Scheerer: Well, we are not doing any maintenance in that. It’s just the bahia grass. Mr. Bichard: That is actually pond. When the water is high, it’s all pond there. Mr. Morgan: Is it? Mr. Bichard: Yes. Mr. Scheerer: Yes. Mr. Bichard: It’s wetland, we didn’t create it. It’s a natural wetland. Mr. Morgan: Right. It’s natural. Yes. That is what I thought. Mr. Scheerer: If it doesn’t need to be mowed and it’s too wet, we obviously won’t do it, but it was on the actual maps, so they went ahead and included it. Mr. Morgan: I have no further questions. Mr. LeBrun: If there is no further questions, we just look for a motion to approve that. Mr. Bonin: When would Floralawn’s first mows be? Mr. Scheerer: If we get it approved next week and there is no issues with the install from Cherrylake, they will start right away. Mr. Bonin: Okay. Mr. Bichard: We have a turnover walk scheduled. Mr. Scheerer: It’s on next Tuesday, sir. Mr. Bonin: Next Tuesday? Mr. Scheerer: Yes sir. Mr. Bonin: And it’s all this stuff? Mr. Scheerer: Yes sir. 9:00 a.m. Myself, Carly, Cherrylake, Floralawn. Mr. Bonin: Alright. Are we certain that we have the irrigation separated from HOA to CDD? Mr. Scheerer: That head nod wasn’t too positive was it, Rob? Mr. Bonin: Do you know if we are? Mr. Scheerer: No. I do not. We won’t know until we do the walk through. Mr. Bonin: Alright. Because I am not convinced that we have it properly. Mr. Bichard: I know when it was installed that they were working off two different systems. You know, the CDD system being in the right of way, the HOA system being behind the sidewalk. Mr. Bonin: Do we have two different clocks and two different reuse meters? Mr. Bichard: Well, because this was all existing, so yes. Then, the HOA pulls also from our two-inch meter on Ocean Course to help feed the HOA side behind here and then they also tie into a meter that is about the second townhome building in right here. Mr. Bonin: Alright. I just want to make sure that when we have this walk, that is the one thing that is crystal clear. This clock, this reuse meter does HOA, this does, and we have no cross where there is something either not connected or connected wrongly. Mr. Scheerer: They got about eight days to figure that out. Mr. Bichard: They, being Cherrylake, were completely briefed on, from the beginning, about the two different systems and as far as I know, Wilson has done a really good job of make sure they stuck to that. Mr. Scheerer: We will just need to know which one is our clock and which one is our meter. Mr. Bonin: And the clocks are powered up, running. We are not doing pucks. Mr. Bichard: No. These were existing clocks already in place. I know where the HOA clock is. I don’t know where the CDD clock is, but Wilson knows. Mr. Bonin: Wilson? Mr. Bichard: Wilson is with Cherrylake. He is the Superintendent. Mr. Scheerer: Can you find out before and let us know? Mr. Bichard: Yes. He will be there. Mr. Scheerer: Okay. Ms. Trucco: Can we also get something in writing? Maybe like a bill of sale or just something in writing from you all to the CDD identifying which is ours and which is the HOAs? I am involved with some CDDs where 10 and 20 years down the line there was a fight with the HOA and CDD, so if we could just have something in our file. Evidence saying your original intent; that would be helpful. Mr. Bichard: Like in the maps? They will be submitting as-builts here shortly. I don’t know if that will be enough to get you what you need, but there will be as-builts that should show the two completely separate systems. Mr. Morgan: You got a map showing it, don’t you? Mr. Bichard: We have the plans. Yes. Mr. Scheerer: We have the plat and then I have the map that the engineer did. Mr. Morgan: Showing just the CDD stuff? Mr. Scheerer: The CDD versus HOA. Yes sir. Mr. Morgan: But that doesn’t show where the valves and meters and all that stuff are. Mr. Scheerer: The as-builts will show that. Mr. Bichard: The as-builts will. Mr. Scheerer: Even if they submit an as-built, which Cherrylakes are usually pretty good, then it will show the clock locations, the POCs, and various valve locations. Mr. Bonin: Will Carly be at that meeting? Mr. Scheerer: Yes sir. Mr. Bonin: Alright. That’s the main thing I wanted to make sure happens. Mr. Scheerer: Okay. Mr. LeBrun: If there is no further questions, we would just look for a motion on item number five. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Addendum to Landscape Maintenance Agreement with Floralawn, Inc., was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Water Management Agreement with The Lake Doctors, Inc. for Additional Ponds Mr. LeBrun: Item six is the consideration of the Water Management Agreement with The Lake Doctors, Inc. for the additional ponds. Mr. Scheerer: Yes. This is just a renewal with Lake Doctors for all the ponds that are currently being maintained by the District. Obviously with Fox North and X Tract, we will probably have a couple more to add later on in the year once those are complete, but we are just looking to get this renewed so they can stay on point with their aquatic maintenance. Mr. Morgan: They didn’t increase their price, did they? Mr. Scheerer: Just a little bit. Not much. But it’s all in the budget. Mr. Morgan: Okay. Mr. Scheerer: We have all the funding that we anticipate and some increases for this year. Mr. Morgan: They have been doing a pretty good job, haven’t they? Mr. Scheerer: Not bad. Mr. Morgan: Yes. Alright. I will make a motion. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Water Management Agreement with The Lake Doctors, Inc. for Additional Ponds, was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Series 2023 Requisitions #2, #3 & #5 Mr. LeBrun: Item number seven, the ratification of Series 2023 Requisitions #2, #3 & #5. Those begin on page 30 of your electronic agenda. Staff, happy to answer any questions. If not, we would just look for a motion to ratify those requisitions. Mr. Morgan: I’ve reviewed them. I will make a motion. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the Series 2023 Requisitions #2, #3 & #5, were ratified. Mr. Morgan: While we are on the conversation of requisitions, Amanda, where do we stand with the requisition for the remaining construction funds? The $3,900,000 or whatever. Did Dave sign off on that? Are we ready? Ms. Udstad: Yes. We sent it last week. Mr. Morgan: He sent it in. Ms. Udstad: Yes. Ms. Trucco: Yes. I sent an email back to them. I looked through the conveyance documents. It looks like the CDD has already accepted the underlying tracts that are related to the requisition and the improvements listed, but I just asked Dave and Amanda to confirm that for us. But otherwise, it looks like, from my review, that all the tracts in those two plats that relay to the requisition and the improvements have already been conveyed. Mr. Morgan: So that should be ready by the next meeting, perhaps? Ms. Trucco: Probably. They will be able to confirm within the next couple of days, right. Mr. Morgan: Okay. Great. Ms. Trucco: We can go ahead and process it as soon as we have their ok on it. Mr. Morgan: And it’s my understanding that will pretty much close out the construction funds? Mr. Flint: Right. We will structure that item, so it draws out the balance. Mr. Morgan: Okay. Very good. That’s it, Rob. That will be all the funds for this one. That’s all I have on that. Thank you. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUISNESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. LeBrun: That brings us down to staff reports. Let’s start with District counsel. Ms. Trucco: Okay. Great. The only thing that I’ve worked on is just reviewing that requisition. We’re going to get full sign off on that as soon as possible; I believe before the next meeting. Mr. Morgan: Super. Ms. Trucco: That’s all I have. B. Engineer Mr. LeBrun: Down to our District Engineer. Ms. Udstad: No. That was it, just the requisition. C. District Manager’s Report i. Approval of Check Register Mr. LeBrun: Then under the District Manager’s report, I just have two quick items. The first one is the approval of the check register that starts on page 47 of your electronic agenda. We have checks number 631 through 638 for a total of $58,414.63. Then, we have our pay roll fund. Check register total is $59,338.13. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Cornell, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. LeBrun: Behind that, you have your balance sheet and income statement. These are your unaudited financials. No action required on the Board’s part. It’s just there for your review. Once again, staff, happy to answer any questions on the unaudited financials. Hearing none, we will move down to other business. NINTH ORDER OF BUISNESS Other Business A. Discussion of Pending Plat Conveyances B. Status of Permit Transfers Mr. LeBrun: Item A is discussion of pending plat conveyances. Any of the Board members wish to discuss any pending plat conveyances? Mr. Morgan: We talked about the property conveyance and the plats are done. How about just anything that’s remaining to be conveyed to the CDD. Ms. Trucco: I haven’t found anything. Mr. Morgan: Barry, are we all good? Mr. Bichard: I think so. The lift station’s been turned over. Other than double checking maybe a park or common area, but Crystal’s been going through the map. Mr. Morgan: And the amenity, that’s going to be under the HOA, right? Mr. Bichard: Yes. Mr. Morgan: Okay. Sounds great. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Morgan: I will make a motion to adjourn. On MOTION by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bichard, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman